
Library Instructions

1- Maintain safety and  cleanliness of the books.

2-It is not allowed to photocopy more than 10% from the total pages of the books, references and scientific articles , the articles have to include the written permission from the author or one of the supervisors of it ,in addition to getting the approval of the head of the department or  vice dean for graduate studies and research affairs.

3-It is allowed to photocopy one chapter of the book on condition that it doesn’t increase on 20% of the total number of the books pages .

4-In case of citing a paragraph from the book,  write the book ‘s data of  in detail , and mention  both its reference and  authors .

5-It is not allowed to photocopy the entire scientific journal.

6-It is not allowed to totally photocopy a book or a scientific reference.

7-It is not allowed to photocopy  the scientific articles CD without a permission from the author.